Not your typical massage


It's the endless fatigue, the constant buzz of notifications, stress that seems to cling on, feeling isolated, and the emotional legacies we've inherited. It's feeling stuck, weighed down by past burdens and childhood memories…

You're not alone.

Introducing the Bionic Method: a holistic approach to release all that stress... helping you rediscover the vibrant, true you.

Experience Vivid Visualizations 

Imagine a journey through colors and shapes, each hue and form connecting deeply with your chakras, opening pathways to inner balance and harmony.

Picture vivid scenes from your past, allowing this profound healing to guide you through processing repressed thoughts and emotions. It's like encapsulating years of therapy into a single, transformative session.

There’s a reason why you’re in chronic pain… and there’s an emotion attached to it

Every ache in your body tells a story, often linked to a deep-seated emotion. Our unique approach to understanding this connection is what leads to our many success stories.

by appointment only

724 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291

“This massage has changed my life.”

This massage has changed my life. The energetic release techniques Nick uses to relieve the body of tension and stress are unique and powerful.

- Salvatore L.

“Every time… I walk away floating”

Every time I have an appointment, I walk away floating and wake up feeling like I have been gifted a new body. The experience is unlike any massage I've ever had and incorporates many different techniques that feels truly magical.

- Lexi A.

“Nick is a gifted healer!”

Nick is a gifted healer! If you want to transform yourself with one session of fascia release bodywork, this is the place! It’s been a joy to help support this small business and I look forward to my time with Nick each week.

- Charlie M.